• {{CallMeBack.Step === 'Details' ? 'Let us call you for a quote:' : CallMeBack.Step === 'CallbackDateTime' ? 'Select date and time' : 'Choose time slot'}}

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    Thank you for your interest {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    A consultant will contact you soon! A consultant will call you on the {{displayDate.getDate() + '' + DaySuffix(formatDate(CallMeBack.Date).getDate())}} of {{months[displayDate.getMonth()]}} {{displayDate.getFullYear()}} at {{TimeToMeridiem(CallMeBack.TimeSlot)}}

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Golf Cart Insurance

Getting a Golf Cart Insurance quote shouldn’t be as frustrating as driving your ball straight into the bunker. With us, it feels more like hitting a hole-in-one. All you need to do is putt in your details and in a few minutes, you’ll get a golf cart insurance quote. There’s no bogey about our cover either; it’s straightforward insurance that covers you for theft, hijacking, and accidental damage.

OK, our lame golfing puns are over, but the list of what our Golf Cart Insurance covers isn’t. We’ll insure it for third-party, fire, flood, and hail damage; cover towing and storage for your golf cart if you can’t drive it (unfortunately, this doesn’t include kicking it if you’ve had a bad round), and liability claims against you arising from damage done by your cart.


Golf Cart Insurance benefits

You won’t get stuck on the ninth hole with a broken-down golf cart because all repairs carried out by our service providers come with a lifetime guarantee.

Being a comprehensive insurance customer, you have direct access to all of our Assist Benefits, including legal, home, trauma, medical, and roadside assistance. This means you get Tow Truck Direct, the most direct way to request a tow truck if you’ve broken down. At the tap of a button on our Dialdirect Insurance App, a tow truck will be sent directly to your location. You can see the driver’s details and follow their progress on their way to you.

Don’t let accidental damage drive a wedge between you and your golf cart – get a Golf Cart Insurance quote today. Do your thing. Get back ching.


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